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Upcoming Cources

December 2024 - April 2025

Explore the upcoming aquatic bodywork courses organized by Watsu India in collaboration with Quiet Healing Center in Auroville, and HappyTurtles Wellness & Retreat in Varkala, Kerala.​


December 01, 2024

Watsu® Yoga Round with Fred & Ellie

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: 9488084966 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 750


December 02 - 07, 2024

OBA 1 Fluid Body with Fred

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 6-day course on the surface and under water. “Dive into the wonderful world of memories, where we, as embryos in the protective belly of our mother, floated, surrounded by warm water. Dive into a weightless world and explore a timeless vastness, feeling free and secure”. In this first 50-hour OBA course, we will continue to approach water in a playful, friendly and secure way. You will build upon the basic movements you already learnt in OBA Basic and further explore the various techniques of this wonderful aquatic bodywork. You will learn the three phases of an OBA session: working on cushions and floats and working both on the surface and under water. Upon completion of this course, you will have acquired enough material to offer a basic OBA practice session to friends and family. Prerequisites: OBA Basic or Watsu 1 or Healing Dance 1 or WaterDance 1. Credits: OBA 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


​December 08 - 09, 2024

Woga®1&2 (Yoga in Water) with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 2-day course. Woga is a combination of two words: water and yoga. It is based on classic yoga poses and stretches, modified for standing in water that is waist-to-chest height. Woga focuses on Hatha Yoga in water, including asanas performed in standing position, against the wall, in floating position, and under water. The course also includes pranayama and meditation. Classes follow a structure similar to land-based yoga: breathing exercises, warm-ups, a series of poses, and a relaxation period. The key difference is that you are in a warm water pool! Swimming skills are not required. By reducing the effects of gravity, water allows ease of movements, unblocks joints, lengthens and relaxes muscles, alleviates negative tensions, and prevents stress, insomnia and anxiety. Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Woga 1&2 (Yoga in Water) gives 12 supplementary hours of credit for registration as international Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 8,750 (lunch included)


December 10 -15, 2024

Watsu® & OBA Basic with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A course of 6 half days. A Watsu & OBA session offers an opportunity for profound relaxation and letting go, for building trust, for being nurtured and held, for expanding inner and outer boundaries, for releasing emotions and traumas – ultimately, for freeing body and mind in a flow unique to each client. In Watsu Basic, during which the receiver’s face remains always on the surface, you will learn the qualities and body mechanics required to work with someone in water. During the OBA Basic part you will bring your receiver under water (with a nose clip), thereby offering a unique experience. In this beginner’s course, you will learn and practice basic techniques and qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu Basic is recognized by WABA as part of the Watsu training program and gives 16 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. OBA Basic is part of the Watsu India training program and gives an additional 15 hours of credits for registration with Watsu India and 15 sup­plementary hours with WABA. Timings: 1.00 – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 20,500

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December 11 -15, 2024

Watsu® 1 (Transition Flow) with Petra

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 5-day course on the surface only. In this course you will be taught to connect the basic movements and positions you have learned in Watsu Basic with long, gracefully flowing transitions and to adapt this work to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions. You will also learn about your own body mechanics and how to support and move each person as effortlessly as possible. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what being held means to you and others. Prerequisite: Watsu Basic Credits: Watsu 1 (TF) is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 34 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 32,000 (lunch included)


December 17 - 22, 2024

Healing Dance 1 with Ashaman

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 6-day course, on the surface only. Healing Dance 1 constitutes a paradigm shift for the student of aquatic bodywork. It sees the body as at home in the water and hydrodynamic in its form, healing in the flow of movement. It understands the psyche as needing not only nurture and closeness, but space, freedom and acceptance of self-expression, as well. More than anything else, Healing Dance 1 is the wave. In addition to seven full-body waves, the sequence encompasses various circles, figure eights and releases, all balanced by the stillness of positional sanctuaries, and woven together with flowing transitions. The study of body mechanics extends beyond the familiar Horse and Warrior Stances to include different walking patterns that allow traveling across the pool. Healing Dance principles are discussed on land and practiced in the water. These include moving by example, creative imbalance, the rhythmic field and dosing movement. Finally, you are introduced to Relating and Mirroring, the goal of all technical study, the art of sensitively accompanying the movement impulses and unwinding of receivers. A written and photo manual are provided and an MP4 of the sequence is made available. Prerequisites: Introduction to Healing Dance or Watsu 1. Credits: Healing Dance 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


December 18 - 23, 2024

OBA 1 with Petra

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 6-day course with mainly under water work. “Diving into the wonderful world of memories, where we, as embryos in the protective belly of our mother, floated, surrounded by warm water. In timeless vastness, going inside, feeling free and secure, and diving into a weightless world”. In this first course of 50 hours, we will approach water in a playful and friendly way, beginning to learn the various techniques of this wonderful work in hot water. We will see the 3 phases of a session: working on cushions and floats, working on the surface and underwater. At the end of this course you will be able to offer friends and acquaintances a complete OBA session. Prerequisites: OBA Basic or Liquid Flow Basic or Watsu 1 or Healing Dance 1 or WaterDance 1. Credits: OBA 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 47,000 (lunch included)


December 23 - 27, 2024

Watsu® 1 (Transition Flow) with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 5-day course on the surface. In this 34-hour course, you will learn to connect the basic movements and positions you have learnt in Watsu Basic with long, gracefully flowing transitions. You will also learn to adapt this bodywork to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions, and to adjust your own body mechanics in order to support and move each person as effortlessly as possible. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what it means to be held for yourself and others. By the end of this course, you will have learnt the complete Watsu 1 sequence for further practice sessions till you feel ready to move on to Watsu 2. Prerequisites: Watsu Basic. Credits: Watsu 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 34 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 23,950 (lunch included)


December 28, 2024

Healing Dance 1 Integration Day with Ashaman

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

The Healing Dance 1 Integration Day is a bridge between Healing Dance 1 and 2. It offers a full day of guided review and refinement of the Healing Dance 1 material to ground it in your body before adding more material in Healing Dance 2. There will be ample time to give and receive, to further assimilate the movements and sequence of Healing Dance 1 with guidance and instruction, and to continue making the principles and body mechanics of Healing Dance “your own”. The Integration Day is a prerequisite for taking Healing Dance 2. Prerequisites: Healing Dance 1. Credits: Healing Dance 1 Integration Day is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 8 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 5,500 (lunch included)


December 29,2024 - January 03, 2025

Healing Dance 2 with Ashaman

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 6-day course, on the surface only. Healing Dance 2 asks the question, “How do we earn trust and gain access to the body at the beginning of a session?” The answer it provides lies in the trance-inducing Back Waves and in our quality of touch. In this training we continue the study of spatial mandalas beyond the waves of Healing Dance 1 to include the spiral, the eight and the spiral eight. Healing Dance 2 also focuses strongly on bodywork. It offers a toolbox replete with massage techniques and stretches integrated into the flow of movement. The course delivers the fullness of Healing Dance’s surface repertoire with an entirely new set of mini-sequences including UpperBodyWork, The Starfish, Pegasus and Adonis, Easy Eights and Klimt. Healing Dance 2 carries further the emphasis on relating and mirroring by which students hone the all important art of responding to the kinetic and feeling states of their receivers. A written and photo manual are provided and an MP4 of the sequence is made available. Prerequisites: Healing Dance 1. Credits: Healing Dance 2 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


January 04, 2025

Watsu® for Babies with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu for Babies is a beautiful and spontaneous way to experience the early years of childhood. It is open to anyone, who wants to share the joy of being in water with babies. In this course, you will discover that emotions arising from spontaneous movements in water can open extraordinary borders. These moments allow us to be in the present moment, simply listening to the baby’s breathing while being supported by the healing power of water. Thanks to the collaboration with Gianni De Stefani, a senior WABA instructor, Dr. Riccardo Palumbo has developed a new massage, which is introduced in this course to bring Watsu into the world of babies. Through Tantsu and Ai-Chi exercises, you will begin to listen to yourself and to the baby you hold. You will also learn possible transitions of the Watsu sequence in order to expand it creatively for babies. Prerequisites: Watsu Basic or a degree to work with babies in water. Credits: Watsu for Babies is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 8 hours of credit for registration as aquatic bodywork with WABA and as an elective with Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 5,500 (lunch included)


January 05 - 10, 2025

OBA 2 Aquatic Body with Nirvano

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Building on the experience of OBA 1, this course allows you to deepen your practice using neck and knee cushions, learn a full-body massage, and exchange various new underwater techniques that are deeply relaxing and energizing. Being surrounded by water creates a supportive environment for uncovering physical holding patterns and releasing withheld emotions. Your perception, touch, and intuition will be refined. We will discuss the body’s water balance in relation to warm water and delve into the benefits and contraindications of the OBA 2 techniques. Integration of the water experience and background knowledge are taught through both theory and practice. Oceanic Bodywork@ Aqua is a journey back to your origins in the endless blue depths of your inner ocean. Prerequisites: OBA 1. Credits: OBA 2 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


January 11 - 12, 2025

Healing Dance 2 Integration Weekend with Ashaman

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

The Integration Weekend is for those wishing to be certified as a Healing Dance Surface Practitioner. The weekend is also of interest for experienced Healing Dance Practitioners, or for those who have completed Healing Dance 2 some time ago and wish to update their practice or benefit from guided practice time. It offers a 16-hour review of the Healing Dance 2 material during which your technique will be refined and experiences are shared. This weekend is only open after completing Healing Dance 2 and a prerequisite for the final supervision. Prerequisites: Healing Dance 2. Credits: Healing Dance 2 Integration Weekend is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 16 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 10,500 (lunch included)


January 12 - 13, 2025

Watsu® Basic with Petra

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 2-day course on the surface only. Watsu is an aquatic bodywork modality given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C). In this course, you will practice basic techniques and qualities (grounding, presence, stillness, movement, attention) of being and moving another body in water. as well as floating other people and being floated on the surface, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. Prerequisite: No previous experience required. (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Watsu Basic is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 16 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 15,000 (lunch included)


January 13 - 15, 2025

Healing Dance Relating & Mirroring with Ashaman

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 3-day course, on the surface only. Relating & Mirroring is a 25 hour course focusing on perhaps the most important aspect of aquatic bodywork: that our receivers feel felt, and that as givers we are able to truly feel and mirror them in all dimensions—physical, emotional and spiritual. The recent discovery of mirror neurons in the brain has provided our generation with a scientific basis for empathy. In the training we will delve into this neurophysiological phenomena underlying our social interactions before focusing on how it translates into the water. On land we will experiment with dance mirroring exercises, authentic movement and exercises to fine-tune presence. In the water we will develop the skills and perceptual framework to follow and support receivers in their movement and stillness. A few of the principles we will explore include using the water, joining, extending and supporting. Not only will the course train us to better accompany our receivers, but it will also offer a setting in which we ourselves as receivers may allow our own unwinding and soul dance to unfold. Additionally, we will practice the verbal skills to create the invitation and safe framework for our receivers to flow into their own movement impulses. Prerequisites: Healing Dance 1 or Watsu 1. Credits: Relating & Mirroring is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 25 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 17,500 (lunch included)

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January 15 -19, 2025

Watsu® 1 (Transition Flow) with Petra

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 5-day course on the surface only. In this course you will be taught to connect the basic movements and positions you have learned in Watsu Basic with long, gracefully flowing transitions and to adapt this work to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions. You will also learn about your own body mechanics and how to support and move each person as effortlessly as possible. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what being held means to you and others. Prerequisite: Watsu Basic Credits: Watsu 1 (TF) is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 34 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 32,000 (lunch included)


January 16 - 17, 2025

Watsu® & Meditation with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Meditation is an important tool for listening, accepting and knowing ourselves, as well as becoming more intuitive towards others. In our understanding, the purpose of meditation is to cultivate presence and peace of mind, enabling us to connect with our unique essence and the world around us. It also encourages development of our intuition and perception through the heart, complementing the rational mind. This can help us making choices from a deeper place. Essentially, meditation helps in our personal growth and enhances our ability to deeply listen to and be fully present with the person we float during a Watsu session. Prerequisites: Watsu Basic. Credits: Watsu and Meditation is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 15 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 10,500 (lunch included)


January 18 - 23, 2025

OBA 3 Oceanic Body with Nirvano

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

The Training in Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua 3 includes advanced techniques for both surface and underwater work. The focus on slowness, silence, love, and compassion, as well as the expression of emotions, allows for a deeper and more authentic connection between the giver and receiver, helping them explore their oceanic body and consciousness. Receiving and giving Oceanic Bodywork Aqua sessions is a transformational journey that offers deep relaxation, joyful experiences, and a dissolving of boundaries. OBA 2 techniques will be reviewed and refined under supervision, while new OBA 3 techniques, both above and below water, will be introduced to create a seamless flow of movement. The deep and intimate nature of this bodywork can evoke emotions, necessitating a safe space both in water and on land for sharing and acknowledging these feelings. The training will include both theoretical and practical instruction on managing emotions. The course will also address how to offer a series of sessions to a client and what this entails. Prerequisites: OBA 2. Credits: OBA 3 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


January 21 - 26, 2025

Healing Dance 1 with Ashaman

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 6-day course, on the surface only. Healing Dance 1 constitutes a paradigm shift for the student of aquatic bodywork. It sees the body as at home in the water and hydrodynamic in its form, healing in the flow of movement. It understands the psyche as needing not only nurture and closeness, but space, freedom and acceptance of self-expression, as well. More than anything else, Healing Dance 1 is the wave. In addition to seven full-body waves, the sequence encompasses various circles, figure eights and releases, all balanced by the stillness of positional sanctuaries, and woven together with flowing transitions. The study of body mechanics extends beyond the familiar Horse and Warrior Stances to include different walking patterns that allow traveling across the pool. Healing Dance principles are discussed on land and practiced in the water. These include moving by example, creative imbalance, the rhythmic field and dosing movement. Finally, you are introduced to Relating and Mirroring, the goal of all technical study, the art of sensitively accompanying the movement impulses and unwinding of receivers. A written and photo manual are provided and an MP4 of the sequence is made available. Prerequisites: Introduction to Healing Dance or Watsu 1. Credits: Healing Dance 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 46,000 (lunch included)


January 24, 2025

Watsu® Yoga Round with Fred & Roberto

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: 9488084966 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 750


January 25 - 31, 2025

Liquid Flow Essence with Dariya & Daniel

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 7-day course, on the surface as well as under water. Liquid Flow is an aquatic bodywork modality given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C). Developed at the Quiet Healing Center, Auroville, Liquid Flow is inspired and based on the forms and qualities of Watsu, OBA, Healing Dance, and WaterDance. With a complete sense of presence and attention, the practitioner moves, folds, stretches, and massages the receiver’s floating body on the surface, inducing a profound state of both physical and mental relaxation. Depending on the choice of the receiver, a session can also include an underwater part (with nose clip), which offers a unique experience of being moved under water. The flowing interaction with water, its fluid support and warm embrace, and the practitioner’s presence provide a space for the receiver to experience the multilayered benefits of this powerful and softening bodywork. Liquid Flow offers an opportunity for profound relaxation and letting go, for building trust, for being nurtured and held, for expanding inner and outer boundaries, for releasing emotions and traumas – ultimately, for freeing body and mind in a flow unique to each receiver and to each session. This intense course with the main Liquid Flow sequence is for students of different aquatic bodywork modalities, who wish to dive deeper into their practice. Prerequisites: Watsu & OBA Basic, and number of practice sessions given according to teachers’ recommendation. Credits: Liquid Flow Essence is an elective of the Watsu India training program and gives a maximum of 13 supplementary hours of credit for registration as inter­national Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program, and 50 hours for the Watsu India Liquid Flow Provider Certification program. Timings: 9 am – 6 pm (plus one evening) Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


January 27 - 28, 2025

OB Fire & Earth Intro with Nirvano

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Body Rhythm & Loving Touch. An introduction to Oceanic Bodywork® Fire & Earth. Immerse yourself in the rhythmic heartbeat of your body, enveloped in the loving atmosphere of healing hands. Experience the relaxation and enjoyment of massaging and being massaged with scented oil. This introduction focuses on learning the simple massage and breathing techniques of Oceanic Bodywork Fire & Earth, along with an introduction to aromatherapy and incense, and group singing and dancing. Guided meditations and awareness exercises will accompany the journey. No previous knowledge of massage and bodywork is required. The massage is performed in pairs on massage tables. Please bring: • two sheets that can become oily. • comfortable clothing for dance and active meditations. • comfortable clothing for massage that can get oily. • sarong or lunghi. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 12,500 (lunch included)


January 31 - February 02, 2025

Dealing With Water Fear with Roberto

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

In the aquatic environment, we embrace new perspectives, challenge conventional rules and connect with our inner world. This course is designed to accompany you on this exploration, offering a gradual and guided path to overcome fears, gain confidence and develop essential aquatic skills. This course will help you to: Overcome anxiety and stress related to water, Develop basic skills in swimming and aquatic movement, Improve body awareness and self-confidence, Promote relaxation and concentration through specific exercises, Exploring the therapeutic potential of water. This course is aimed for: • Individuals with a fear of water who wish to overcome this anxiety. • People who want to feel safer in the water to enjoy water activities with family and friends. • Those who wish to learn swimming and improve their aquatic skills. • Therapists interested in integrating water into their healing and recovery practices.


February 01 - 06, 2025

Cosmic Child with Nirvano

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Prenatal Work with Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua. Your physical life begins at conception, which offers you a formless, boundless, and timeless existence to develop safely in your mother’s womb. This environment allows you to undergo all stages of evolution in a short time, providing love, warmth, and the freedom to move weightlessly. Even as an adult, every cell in your body, your innermost core, your soul, and your subconscious still remember this time. Birth is a powerful transition, marking your entry into the world. It separates you from your mother and, in a broader sense, from the universe. The feeling of isolation and loneliness can persist throughout life, often repressed and buried deep in your subconscious. The warm water environment can create a receptive space where your pain and longing can emerge. The prenatal phase and birth have a profound influence on your entire life. They shape your most important attitudes and impact your life patterns and relationships. The desire to experience original unity with the universe remains, bringing inner peace as the feeling of separation fades. In moments of surrender and unconditional love, you become one again, a flowing part of the whole. The Process: The Cosmic Child process focuses on a meditative experience rather than learning new techniques. The challenge is in the “being” rather than “doing.” On this inner journey of discovery, you encounter yourself. Through reflex movements, aquatic body waves, and embryonic positions, you dive deeper into memories of your birth, prenatal phase, conception, and beyond, experiencing a space of deep inner stillness. Water work and gentle exercises open hidden inner spaces within your subconscious. The warm water, Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua, and the loving presence of the water family accompany you through this intensive process. Prerequisites: OBA 2 Credits: Cosmic Child is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


February 04 - 05, 2025

OBA Basic with Fred

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 2-day course on the surface and under water. OBA (Oceanic Bodywork Aqua) is an aquatic bodywork modality given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C). OBA combines elements of light movements and stretching, massage and mobilization of the joints in connection with breathing and energy work conducted both on the surface and under water. During this course, you’ll learn a number of simple movements, on the surface (with and without cushion and noodle), as well as underwater. In this course, you will practice basic techniques and qualities of being (grounding, presence, stillness, movement, attention) while moving another body in water. You will experience floating other people and being floated, on the surface and under water, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: OBA Basic is part of the Watsu India training program and gives 15 hours of credit for registration with Watsu India and 15 supplementary hours with WABA. Price: ₹ 15,000 (lunch included)


February 07, 2025

Watsu® Yoga Round with Prema

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: +91 99461 29734 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 1,600


February 07, 2025

Watsu® Yoga Round with Roberto & Ellie

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: 9488084966 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 750


February 08 - 09, 2025

Watsu® Basic with Fred

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 2-day course on the surface only. Watsu is an aquatic bodywork modality given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C). In this course, you will practice basic techniques and qualities (grounding, presence, stillness, movement, attention) of being and moving another body in water. as well as floating other people and being floated on the surface, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. Prerequisite: No previous experience required. (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Watsu Basic is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 16 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 15,000 (lunch included)


February 08 - 13, 2025

Anatomy for Aquatic Bodyworkers with Gianni De Stefani & Prashanth C.G.

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A basic knowledge of anatomy is essential for any aquatic bodywork practitioner. This 6-day course offers both theoretical and hands-on learning about anatomy relevant to Watsu and focuses on planes and axes of movements, joint mechanics, physiology, metabolism, and on muscles and their lengthening. Theory and practice will take place on land and in water. Through massages and specific exercises, you will learn the functions of various body structures and their applications in Watsu. About one-third of the course is dedicated to theory, one-third to land-based practice, and one-third to effective applications in water. Prerequisites: Watsu 2 plus 100 hours of aquatic bodywork training or Watsu 1 plus 200 hours of aquatic bodywork training. Credits: Anatomy for Aquatic Bodyworkers is part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


February 08 - 13, 2025

Shiatsu for Watsu® with Petra Buschfeld & Ulrike Urvasi Burghardt

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Shiatsu is a modality, which originated within the oldest healing system known to humanity. It restores and maintains health by adjusting and balancing the body’s primary communication network − the energy system. About 60% of this course is on land, during which you will learn a simple Shiatsu protocol for applying pressure along the 12 main meridians (energy pathways) along with some basic theory of Chinese Medicine (yin yang, 5 elements system, organ-clock). Practical exercises on land and in water will let you discover your own energy system and become more sensitive to your partner’s energy body. To become a certified Watsu practitioner, you need to have at least 50 hours of Shiatsu or 50 hours of Tantsu, another modality of land-based bodywork. Prerequisites: Watsu 1 or equivalent course. Credits: Shiatsu for Watsu is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu learning program and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


February 11 - 16, 2025

OBA 1 with Fred

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 6-day course with mainly under water work. “Diving into the wonderful world of memories, where we, as embryos in the protective belly of our mother, floated, surrounded by warm water. In timeless vastness, going inside, feeling free and secure, and diving into a weightless world”. In this first course of 50 hours, we will approach water in a playful and friendly way, beginning to learn the various techniques of this wonderful work in hot water. We will see the 3 phases of a session: working on cushions and floats, working on the surface and underwater. At the end of this course you will be able to offer friends and acquaintances a complete OBA session. Prerequisites: OBA Basic or Liquid Flow Basic or Watsu 1 or Healing Dance 1 or WaterDance 1. Credits: OBA 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 47,000 (lunch included)


February 14 - 18, 2025

Watsu® & OBA Basic with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A course of 6 half days. A Watsu & OBA session offers an opportunity for profound relaxation and letting go, for building trust, for being nurtured and held, for expanding inner and outer boundaries, for releasing emotions and traumas – ultimately, for freeing body and mind in a flow unique to each client. In Watsu Basic, during which the receiver’s face remains always on the surface, you will learn the qualities and body mechanics required to work with someone in water. During the OBA Basic part you will bring your receiver under water (with a nose clip), thereby offering a unique experience. In this beginner’s course, you will learn and practise basic techniques and qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. You will experience floating others and being floated, both on the surface and under water, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. Participants in this course often appreciate the group space, which fosters deep, meaningful and nurturing connections. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu Basic is recognized by WABA as part of the Watsu training program and gives 16 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. OBA Basic is part of the Watsu India training program and gives an additional 15 hours of credits for registration with Watsu India and 15 sup­plementary hours with WABA. Timings: 1.00 – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 20,500


February 15, 2025

Liquid Flow Essence Integration Day with Dariya & Daniel

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

The Integration Day offers a refinement of techniques and principles that you have learned during the Liquid Flow Essence course. It is also a prerequisite to join Liquid Flow Deepening. Prerequisites: Liquid Flow Essence. Credits: Liquid Flow Essence Integration Day gives 4 hours of credit for the Liquid Flow Provider Certification program. Timings: 9 am – 12 pm (plus 1 hour to be arranged with the group) Price: ₹ 2,600


February 19 - 20, 2025

Woga® 1&2 (Yoga in Water) with Petra Buschfeld

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 2-day course. Woga is a combination of two words: water and yoga. It is based on classic yoga poses and stretches, modified for standing in water that is waist-to-chest height. Woga focuses on Hatha Yoga in water, including asanas performed in standing position, against the wall, in floating position, and under water. The course also includes pranayama and meditation. Classes follow a structure similar to land-based yoga: breathing exercises, warm-ups, a series of poses, and a relaxation period. The key difference is that you are in a warm water pool! Swimming skills are not required. By reducing the effects of gravity, water allows ease of movements, unblocks joints, lengthens and relaxes muscles, alleviates negative tensions, and prevents stress, insomnia and anxiety. Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Woga 1&2 (Yoga in Water) gives 12 supplementary hours of credit for registration as international Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 8,750 (lunch included)


February 21 - 26, 2025

Watsu® 1 with Gianni & TBD

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 6-day course on the surface. Created by Harold Dull in the 1980s, Watsu is given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C) and known as the mother of all other aquatic bodywork modalities. In this 50-hour course, you will first learn the basic movements and positions of Watsu. Then, you will connect them with long, gracefully flowing transitions and adapt this work to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions. At the same time, you will practise basic qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. You will experience floating others and being floated, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what it means to be held for yourself and others. By the end of this course, you will have learnt the complete Watsu 1 sequence for further practice sessions till you feel ready to move on to Watsu 2. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 47,000 (lunch included)


February 21 - 26, 2025

Watsu® 2 with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 6-day course on the surface. Watsu 2 expands the Transition Flow taught in Watsu 1. You will learn additional movements and bodywork for each position and how to incorporate them in your practice sessions. You will also study the meridians and acupressure points, which are relevant in Watsu, and creatively explore your own movements, while following the receiver’s natural tendency to move. Practising acupressure massage, as well as lifts, pushes, and pulls introduced at this stage, will help you develop the ability to play with energy and further explore this amazing water therapy. Prerequisites: Watsu 1. Credits: Watsu 2 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)

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February 28 - March 06, 2025

Watsu® 1 with Petra Buschfeld

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 7-day course on the surface. Created by Harold Dull in the 1980s, Watsu is given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C) and known as the mother of all other aquatic bodywork modalities. In this 50-hour course, you will first learn the basic movements and positions of Watsu. Then, you will connect them with long, gracefully flowing transitions and adapt this work to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions. At the same time, you will practise basic qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. You will experience floating others and being floated, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what it means to be held for yourself and others. By the end of this course, you will have learnt the complete Watsu 1 sequence for further practice sessions till you feel ready to move on to Watsu 2. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


March 01 - 06, 2025

Tantsu® 1 with Keli Procopio

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Tantsu was developed by Harold Dull in the same year he conceived Watsu with the intent to bring on land the same principles provided in Watsu. The basic principles of Zen Shiatsu are further amplified in Tantsu, where a person is totally contained in a whole-body holding position, called Tantsu Cradle. A Tantsu session includes passive stretching, use of Shiatsu pressure points, spontaneous movements of the body, and non-verbal communication. In this course, you will learn different cradles for providing a safe container, while moving and stretching your partner in sync with the breath. As a receiver, you will enjoy the Tantsu benefits through the gentleness and deep connection that each position creates. We will also practice active meditation, breathing exercises, and free dance movements. Tantsu is for anyone who wants to deepen body-communication through being present and the quality of “touch”. In short, Watsu’s qualities of presence in the moment, unconditional holding, and loving care are brought onto land, thereby creating sensations of deep contentment and safe relaxation. As such, Tantsu offers an opportunity to open the door to a new level of wellness and healing. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Tantsu 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 AM – 6.30 PM Price: Rs 34,950 (lunch included)


March 07, 2025

Watsu® Yoga Round with Roberto & Ellie

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: 9488084966 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 750


March 08 - 09, 2025

Watsu® & Breathing with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 2-day journey of exploring and discovering your breath and its applications in Watsu. In this course, you will learn to integrate the practice of Watsu qualities and explore the power of working with your receiver’s breath. Several topics will be discussed, including the link between breathing and yourself as a giver, as well as your energetic connection with the receiver. You will also gain an understanding of the anatomical basis of our respiratory system to better grasp its functioning. Prerequisites: Watsu Basic. Credits: Watsu & Breathing is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 15 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 10,500 (lunch included)

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March 10 - 15, 2025

Woga® ITC (Instructor Training Course) with Petra Buschfeld & Pooja Gautam

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

During this 6-day course, you will gain a fundamental understanding of Woga, enabling you to harness the benefits of yoga in warm, shallow water. The program includes learning a diverse range of Woga exercises, as well as receiving didactic resources for conducting Woga classes or integrating Woga into your aquatic fitness classes. The course covers: • an introduction to yoga philosophy, encompassing the concepts and principles of Hatha Yoga and Pranayama; • theoretical knowledge of the physical properties pertaining to water; • effective methodological and teaching strategies for planning Woga classes. After successful completion of this course, you will be certified as a professional Woga Instructor. Prerequisites: WOGA 1&2 and a certified activity as instructor in aquatic sports or as bodyworker instructor, or long time bodyworker in any kind of activity. Credits: Woga ITC gives 42 supplementary hours of credit for registration as international Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 28,500 (lunch included)


March 10 - 15, 2025

Tantsu® 2 with Keli Procopio

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

This training is a further step in the Tantsu learning process, during which you will explore additional cradles and practice how to adapt a session to individual needs. Tantsu is usually performed on the ground, on a futon or a soft support. In this course, you will also practice how you can adapt all cradles using a massage table as support. Creativity, intuition and deep listening are some of the qualities to which you will have access to experience the “Free Flow” on land and to deepen the qualities of being present in the moment, unconditional holding and loving care. Prerequisites: Tantsu 1. Credits: Tantsu 2 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 AM – 6.30 PM Price: Rs 34,950 (lunch included)


March 17 - 23, 2025

Watsu® 3 with Keli Procopio & Gianni De Stefani

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 7-day course on the surface. Watsu 3 is for students, who have given enough practice sessions to develop a comfortable and intuitive awareness of how to float another person and are ready to further explore aquatic bodywork beyond the fixed form of Watsu 2. After mastering the complete Watsu 2 sequence, Watsu 3 will open the doors for personal creativity and “Free Flow”. At the same time, this creative openness is balanced with a careful study and attention to the different positions, ensuring safety for both giver and receiver. A major part of this Free Flow learning process is dedicated to the advanced positions and movements that Harold created in the early stages of Watsu’s development. You can only participate in this advanced course after having shown and passed your Watsu 2 mastery! Prerequisites: Watsu 2 and Watsu 2 mastery. Credits: Watsu 3 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


March 18 - 23, 2025

WaterDance Fundamental with Roberto

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

In this course, we will focus on three fundamental aspects of WaterDance: vertical grounding, posture of both giver and receiver, and the breath. The key movement is Water Breath Dance, in which you will float someone in your arms allowing them to gently sink as they exhale and rising with them as you both inhale. This creates a profound connection that carries through all other surface and underwater movements. Throughout the course, you will also learn in a playful and yet attentive way how to bring your partner under water (with a nose clip). Sufficient time will also be given for integrating fears or apprehensions to go under water. In addition, you will learn and practice the basic WaterDance movements, which form the essential core of this powerful aquatic-bodywork modality. On land, various tools such as guided meditations, body & energy work, active breathing exercises, and practising effective communication skills will offer opportunities for connecting deeper with yourself and others. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: WaterDance Fundamental is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 46,000 (lunch included)


March 24 - 30, 2025

Liquid Flow Deepening with Dariya & Daniel

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 7-day course, on the surface as well as under water. Liquid Flow Deepening is an extension of Liquid Flow Essence with a focus on process work and refinement of flow and touch, both on the surface and under water. It also includes free movement and contact dance in water as well as acquiring tools for deeper listening and expressing yourself with the help of compassionate communication. During previous courses, required as prerequisite to join this course, you have accumulated a wide spectrum of movements. Even though Liquid Flow Deepening offers some new material and variations of already known movements, it is basically about refining what is already there. In addition, you’ll learn connecting deeper through working with the breath, sequencing your session, and finding your own combinations and adjustments according to your personal abilities and circumstances – away from right or wrong or perfect – to accommodate different sizes, shapes, and body types. You’ll also be encouraged to create your own sequences and movements, present them to other students, and learn from their creations. Tools will be offered for deeper listening, learning from feedback, and holding your own process and that of others. All this will hopefully lead to a better understanding of yourself and allow more empathy for your client’s process, thereby fostering personal healing for yourself as well as your client. Prerequisites: Liquid Flow Essence and Liquid Flow Essence Integration Day. Credits: Liquid Flow Deepening gives 50 hours for the Watsu India Liquid Flow Provider Certification program. These hours are also registered on the international WABA registry. Timings: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm (plus one evening) Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)


March 25 - 30, 2025

Watsu® 1 with Keli & TBD

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 6-day course on the surface. Created by Harold Dull in the 1980s, Watsu is given in a warm water pool (ideally 35°C) and known as the mother of all other aquatic bodywork modalities. In this 50-hour course, you will first learn the basic movements and positions of Watsu. Then, you will connect them with long, gracefully flowing transitions and adapt this work to people of different sizes, shapes, and dispositions. At the same time, you will practise basic qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. You will experience floating others and being floated, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. On land, you will be introduced to both Co-Centering and Tantsu, and explore what it means to be held for yourself and others. By the end of this course, you will have learnt the complete Watsu 1 sequence for further practice sessions till you feel ready to move on to Watsu 2. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 47,000 (lunch included)


April 01 - 06, 2025

WaterDance Fundamental with Roberto

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

In this course, we will focus on three fundamental aspects of WaterDance: vertical grounding, posture of both giver and receiver, and the breath. The key movement is Water Breath Dance, in which you will float someone in your arms allowing them to gently sink as they exhale and rising with them as you both inhale. This creates a profound connection that carries through all other surface and underwater movements. Throughout the course, you will also learn in a playful and yet attentive way how to bring your partner under water (with a nose clip). Sufficient time will also be given for integrating fears or apprehensions to go under water. In addition, you will learn and practice the basic WaterDance movements, which form the essential core of this powerful aquatic-bodywork modality. On land, various tools such as guided meditations, body & energy work, active breathing exercises, and practising effective communication skills will offer opportunities for connecting deeper with yourself and others. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: WaterDance Fundamental is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 34,950


April 01 - 06, 2025

OBA 2 with Fred

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

Building on the experience of OBA 1, this course allows you to deepen your practice using neck and knee cushions, learn a full-body massage, and exchange various new underwater techniques that are deeply relaxing and energizing. Being surrounded by water creates a supportive environment for uncovering physical holding patterns and releasing withheld emotions. Your perception, touch, and intuition will be refined. We will discuss the body’s water balance in relation to warm water and delve into the benefits and contraindications of the OBA 2 techniques. Integration of the water experience and background knowledge are taught through both theory and practice. Oceanic Bodywork@ Aqua is a journey back to your origins in the endless blue depths of your inner ocean. Prerequisites: OBA 1. Credits: OBA 2 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 47,000 (lunch included)


April 07, 2025

Watsu® Yoga Round with Ellie

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

Watsu Yoga Round is a powerful tool for deep relaxation and inner peace. It focuses on listening to the body and being present, offering a way to reconnect with your heart and experience an inner silence that is fully alive and vibrant. It is an invitation to feel, awaken, and celebrate the energy of your being. When immersed in warm water during the Watsu Yoga Round, the body is free from the effects of gravity. The flow of movements and stretching, alternated with moments of stillness, invite progressive well-being: body and mind become free to dance! Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Booking: 9488084966 or E-mail: Timings: 3.00 – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 750


April 07, 2025

Liquid Flow Deepening Integration Day with Dariya & Daniel

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

The Integration Day offers a refinement of techniques and principles learned during the Liquid Flow Deepening course. There will also be time to answer questions both on a collective and on an individual level. This integration day is one of the prerequisites for becoming a certified Liquid Flow Provider. Prerequisites: Liquid Flow Deepening. Credits: Liquid Flow Deepening Integration Day gives 4 hours of credit for the Liquid Flow Provider Certification program. Timings: 9 am – 12 pm Price: ₹ 2,600


April 08 - 13, 2025

Watsu® & OBA Basic with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A course of 6 half days. A Watsu & OBA session offers an opportunity for profound relaxation and letting go, for building trust, for being nurtured and held, for expanding inner and outer boundaries, for releasing emotions and traumas – ultimately, for freeing body and mind in a flow unique to each client. In Watsu Basic, during which the receiver’s face remains always on the surface, you will learn the qualities and body mechanics required to work with someone in water. During the OBA Basic part you will bring your receiver under water (with a nose clip), thereby offering a unique experience. In this beginner’s course, you will learn and practise basic techniques and qualities such as grounding, presence, stillness, movement, and attention in moving another person in water. You will experience floating others and being floated, both on the surface and under water, thereby creating space for deep relaxation and nurturing body, mind and spirit. Participants in this course often appreciate the group space, which fosters deep, meaningful and nurturing connections. Prerequisites: No previous experience required. Credits: Watsu Basic is recognized by WABA as part of the Watsu training program and gives 16 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. OBA Basic is part of the Watsu India training program and gives an additional 15 hours of credits for registration with Watsu India and 15 sup­plementary hours with WABA. Timings: 1.00 – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 20,500


April 12 - 13, 2025

Woga® 1&2 (Yoga in Water) with Petra Buschfeld

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 2-day course. Woga is a combination of two words: water and yoga. It is based on classic yoga poses and stretches, modified for standing in water that is waist-to-chest height. Woga focuses on Hatha Yoga in water, including asanas performed in standing position, against the wall, in floating position, and under water. The course also includes pranayama and meditation. Classes follow a structure similar to land-based yoga: breathing exercises, warm-ups, a series of poses, and a relaxation period. The key difference is that you are in a warm water pool! Swimming skills are not required. By reducing the effects of gravity, water allows ease of movements, unblocks joints, lengthens and relaxes muscles, alleviates negative tensions, and prevents stress, insomnia and anxiety. Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Woga 1&2 (Yoga in Water) gives 12 supplementary hours of credit for registration as international Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.30 pm Price: ₹ 12,000 (lunch included)

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April 14 - 15, 2025

Meditation for Watsu® with Gianni & Petra

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

A 2-day course. Meditation is an important tool to listen, accept and know ourselves, and to become more intuitive towards ourselves and others, to cultivate presence and peace of mind, which foster possibilities to connect to our unique essence and the world around us. It also encourages development of our intuition and perception through the heart. Meditation essentially helps to develop our capacity for personal expansion and is the basis for our ability to deeply listen to, and be fully present with the person we float during a Watsu session. Prerequisites: Watsu Basic or Watsu & Liquid Flow Basic Credits: Watsu and Meditation is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) as part of the Watsu training program and gives 15 hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Price: ₹ 14,500 (lunch included)


April 15 - 20, 2025

OBA 1 Fluid Body with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 6-day course on the surface and under water. “Dive into the wonderful world of memories, where we, as embryos in the protective belly of our mother, floated, surrounded by warm water. Dive into a weightless world and explore a timeless vastness, feeling free and secure”. In this first 50-hour OBA course, we will continue to approach water in a playful, friendly and secure way. You will build upon the basic movements you already learnt in OBA Basic and further explore the various techniques of this wonderful aquatic bodywork. You will learn the three phases of an OBA session: working on cushions and floats and working both on the surface and under water. Upon completion of this course, you will have acquired enough material to offer a basic OBA practice session to friends and family. Prerequisites: OBA Basic or Watsu 1 or Healing Dance 1 or WaterDance 1. Credits: OBA 1 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association) and gives 50 hours of credits for registration with WABA and Watsu India. Timings: 8.30 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 34,950 (lunch included)

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April 17 - 20, 2025

Ego Deprogramming in Warm Water with Gianni

At HappyTurtles Wellness&Retreat, Varkala, Kerala

Imagine yourself in hot water floating weightlessly. Gradually, deep relaxation settles in… allowing you to experience an original state of well-being… leading you into a new encounter with yourself. This workshop is an intense journey into your inner being, meant for (healthy) people in search of a deep personal growth and evolution. The workshop will start on Thursday 17 April at 9.30 am. During the first 2 days, we will explore different aquatic bodywork techniques (WOGA®, Watsu®, Eutony, OBA®) in order to prepare body and mind. Schedule first 2 days: 09.30 am to 12.30 pm / lunch break / 2.00-6.30 pm. From Friday evening 18 April 8 pm till Sunday 20 April 3 pm, we will stay in warm water all the time, even at night; we will sleep and eat in warm water and leave the pool only for toilet breaks. The workshop will end at 6 pm. Travel and accommodation during the first two days are possible at facility. Prerequisite: This workshop takes place in a warm water pool (35-37C) and is only open to people in good health condition to spend 4 days and nights in warm water. A CV and medical certificate are required to attend this workshop. Deadline for registration and 50% deposit: 20th March 2025 (since material for sleeping and eating in the pool needs to be prepared in time). Please attach a complete CV and medical certificate with your registration and send to


April 26 - 27, 2025

Woga® 1&2 (Yoga in Water) with Dariya

At Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

A 2-day course. Woga is a combination of two words: water and yoga. It is based on classic yoga poses and stretches, modified for standing in water that is waist-to-chest height. Woga focuses on Hatha Yoga in water, including asanas performed in standing position, against the wall, in floating position, and under water. The course also includes pranayama and meditation. Classes follow a structure similar to land-based yoga: breathing exercises, warm-ups, a series of poses, and a relaxation period. The key difference is that you are in a warm water pool! Swimming skills are not required. By reducing the effects of gravity, water allows ease of movements, unblocks joints, lengthens and relaxes muscles, alleviates negative tensions, and prevents stress, insomnia and anxiety. Prerequisites: No previous experience required (also no need to know how to swim). Credits: Woga 1&2 (Yoga in Water) gives 12 supplementary hours of credit for registration as international Watsu practitioner within the Watsu India learning program. Timings: 8.45 am – 6.00 pm Price: ₹ 8,750 (lunch included)

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